CLCNSW September 2019 Quarterly


The Community Legal Centres NSW Quarterlies are two-day community legal centre sector network and training opportunities held in Sydney four times a year. 

Dates and registration

Scroll down for the full program.

Venue for the Quarterly (Days 2 and 3): ACON, Level 3, 414 Elizabeth St Surry Hills.


Day 1 | Monday, 9 September 2019

Yarn Up

For community legal centre Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff only to meet and discuss key policy and practice issues.

Monday, 9 September 2019

Gilbert + Tobin
Level 35, Tower Two, International Towers
200 Barangaroo NSW 2000

Convenor: Zachary Armytage, Community Legal Centres NSW


RRR Dinner (6pm)

An opportunity for staff from Rural Regional and Remote centres to meet for dinner. Open to any Quarterly participants. Registrations required to enable pre booking.

Muum Maam Thai Restaurant
1/50 Holt St
Surry Hills
(One block from the ACON building off Devonshire St)


Day 2 | Tuesday, 10 September 2019

1. Opening Plenary: Surviving and thriving in the next few years

Room 3

It doesn't always feel we’re winning the big arguments - for progressive law reform, for big boosts to funding for social services, for human rights-based approaches to public policy, for increases to social security in lieu of tax cuts etc. Meanwhile, centres are fatigued following the state tender and years of funding insecurity, and the advocacy space sometimes feel meaner than ever. Right now the social justice challenges look immense. Our guest panel of presenters will share their perspectives about how we can maintain our passion, energy and motivation. Resilience, you say?

Arlia Fleming Elizabeth (Evatt Community Legal Centre)
Robert Pelletier (Macarthur Legal Centre)

Natalie Lang (Secretary, Australian Services Union)
Joanna Quilty (CEO, NCOSS)
Patrick O’Callaghan (Principal Solicitor, Western NSW Community Legal Centre)
Julie Foreman (Executive Officer, Tenants Union NSW)


2.1 Network Meeting

Aboriginal Legal Access Program and Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Rights Working Group

Room 1

Convenor: Zac Armytage (ALAP Coordinator, Community Legal Centres NSW)

This network supports community legal centres operating Aboriginal Legal Access type programs by sharing experience and knowledge.

2.2 Network Meeting

Employment & Discrimination Law Network: Long Service Leave

Room 2

Co-convenors: Sharmilla Bargon (Solicitor, Redfern Legal Centre), Stanley Tao (Solicitor North & NorthWest Community Legal Centre), Vasili Maroulis (Managing Principal Solicitor, Marrickville Community Legal Centre)

Guest speaker: David Madden (NSW Industrial Relations)

Mr Madden’s presentation will cover long service leave and how it interplays with pre modern federal awards. This network enables employment & discrimination lawyers discuss current issues in relation to employment and discrimination law.

Possible CPD*: Substantive Law

2.3 Network Meeting

Domestic Violence & Victims Compensation Network

Room 4

Convenor: Karen Mifsud (Solicitor, Women’s Legal Service NSW)

September’s network meeting will include a discussion on the lack of representation for AVO defendants in local and RRR courts. This network discusses issues affecting DV/VC policies and legislation and makes recommendations to government and non government bodies.

Possible CPD*: Substantive Law

2.4 Network Meeting

Coordinators & Directors Network

Room 3

Co-convenors: Arlia Fleming (Managing Principal Solicitor, Elizabeth Evatt Community Legal Centre) and Robert Pelletier (Executive Officer, Macarthur Legal Centre)

Coordinators & Directors discuss key policy positions.

3.1 Network Meeting

Prisoners’ Rights Working Group

Room 2

This network meeting has been cancelled for this Quarterly only. The network is currently seeking a new co convenor to assist the current convenor, Carolyn Jones. However the guest speakers from Dressed for Success Sydney (DSS) will be presenting at the usual network meeting time with an overview of the new Success Works employment program for criminalised women. The innovative DSS programs are keen to find ways to work with community legal centre clients.

3.2 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Recognition

Reconciliation Actions Plans – Cultural Safety Standard

Room 4

Facilitator: Zac Armytage (Community Legal Centres NSW)

Presenters: Nicole Jenkins (Centre Manager, Northern Rivers Community Legal Centre and Churchill Fellow)

This session will explore best-practice approaches to supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people working in the community legal centre sector. Nicole Jenkins will present an innovative framework to help centres develop, implement and review Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employment recruitment and retention strategies, including under reconciliation action plans.

Possible CPD*: Professional Skills

3.3 Network Meeting

Coordinators & Directors Network

Room 3

Facilitator: Arlia Fleming (Managing Principal Solicitor, Elizabeth Evatt Community Legal Centre) and Robert Pelletier (Executive Officer, Macarthur Legal Centre)

This is the follow-up session from the previous network meeting. Legal Aid NSW will provide an update of key issues.

3.4 Network Meeting

Admin/Finance Group

Room 1

Facilitator: Kerrith Sowden (Finance and Operations Manager, RACS)

Community legal centre administration and finance officers share relevant systems information and associated policies.

4.1 Network Meeting

CLC Care & Protection Network

Room 4

Co-convenors: Kenn Clift (Solicitor, Parents with an Intellectual Disability, Intellectual Disability Rights Service) and Jenna Dunwoodie (Solicitor, Wirringa Baiya Aboriginal Womens Legal Centre)

The Care and Protection network provides an opportunity for community legal centres to discuss relevant care and protection practice and law reform issues.

Possible CDP*: Substantive Law 

4.2 Network Meeting

Communications Network: Access to Justice Animation Workshop

Room 2

Convenor: Finn O’Keefe (Communications and Volunteer Manager, Redfern Legal Centre)

Facilitator: Darren Smith (Communications Officer, Community Legal Centres NSW), Mark Riboldi (Advocacy & Communications Manager, Community Legal Centres NSW.

Information, skills and knowledge sharing for people in the sector working in media, communications, digital, fundraising, IT, etc. Bring your questions and ideas.

The main focus of this meeting will be a presentation from UTS Shopfront students on an animated access to justice design project they have been working on for CLCNSW. 

4.3 Service Sustainability

Impact Evaluation Framework

Room 3

Presenter: Laurel Draffen (Community Legal Centres NSW)

An opportunity for consultation and feedback on the draft Impact Evaluation framework being developed for the Community Legal Sector in NSW.

Possible CDP*: Professional Skills

5.1 Training

Care & Protection Network Training

Room 4

Facilitator: Kenn Clift (Intellectual Disability Rights Service)

Presenter: Presenter from FACS

An update on the Targeted Earlier Intervention Reforms and how they tie in with the Their Futures Matter Reforms.

Possible CDP*: Substantive Law, Advocacy

5.2 Service Sustainability

Accreditation update

Room 3

Facilitator: Laurel Draffen (Community Legal Centres NSW)

Presenter: Ingrid Rikkert (Regional Accreditation Coordinator, Community Legal Centres NSW)

The next three-year cycle of the national Accreditation Scheme has commenced. Find out what's changed and how you can prepare for Accreditation Assessment.

Possible CDP*: Professional Skills

5.3 Service Sustainability

National Data Standards training

Room 2

Facilitator: National Association of Community Legal Centres (NACLC)

NACLC consulted widely on the use of the national data standards and their use in CLASS . This session will provide training in consistent use of the national data standards.

Possible CDP*: Practice Management


Day 3 | Wednesday, 11 September 2019

6.1 Induction for new workers

Room 1

Facilitator: Laurel Draffen (Community Legal Centres NSW)

Presenter: Various presenters from Community Legal Centres NSW

Introduction to the community legal sector - Orientation for new workers and volunteers.

6.2 Network Meeting

Community Legal Education Workers (CLEW) Network

Room 2

Facilitator: Duhita Lewis (CLE Coordinator, Hunter Community Legal Centre)

Presenter: Bronwyn Amboghetti (Managing Solicitor, Hunter Community Legal Centre)

For practitioners providing community legal education programs.

Possible CDP*: Professional Skills

6.3 Network Meeting

Law Reform and Policy Network – Law Reform 101.

Room 4

Co-convenors: Leo Patterson-Ross (Senior Policy Officer Tenants Union NSW) and Maria Nawaz (Law Reform and Policy Solicitor, Kingsford Legal Centre)

Facilitator: Emily Hamilton (Community Legal Centres NSW), Mark Riboldi (Advocacy & Communications Manager, CLCNSW)

Join Community Legal Centres NSW for ‘Law Reform 101’, a short, sharp, interactive workshop on the basic policy development and advocacy knowledge and skills community lawyers need to be effective law reformers in NSW.

Possible CDP*: Substantive Law, Advocacy

6.4 Committee Meeting

Professional Indemnity Insurance Committee (PII) committee

Room 3

Convenors: Ali Mojtahedi (Principal Solicitor, Immigration, Advice and Rights Centre) and Hilary Kincaid (Principal Solicitor, Inner City Legal Centre)

The PII committee monitors & supports members’ compliance with the Risk Management Guide & informs members of relevant legal practice issues. Principal Solicitors (or their delegate) are required to attend.

Possible CDP*: Practice Management

7.1 Rural Regional & Remote (RRR) Network Meeting

Room 1

Facilitator: Arlia Fleming (Managing Solicitor, Elizabeth Evatt Community Legal Centre)

This network session is open to any RRR members to discuss issues particular to providing legal services in rural, remote and regional areas. This session is open to attendance by workers from FVPLS providers and ALS providers.

7.2 Legal Services

Justice Advocacy Service

Room 4

Facilitator:  Margot Morris (Principal Solicitor, Intellectual Disability Rights Service)

Presenter: Denise Hanley (Director, Justice Advocacy Service, Intellectual Disability Rights Service)

Find out about this statewide service (newly funded by the state government) to protect the rights of people with cognitive impairment who come into contact with the criminal justice system.

Possible CPD*: Advocacy, Substantive Law

7.3 Preparing Case Studies for Impact

Room 2

Facilitator:  Laurel Draffen (Community Legal Centres NSW)

Presenter: Mark Riboldi (Communications & Advocacy Manager, Community Legal Centres NSW)

An interactive session using values-based communications and narrative story-telling techniques to craft case studies and stories that engage and persuade.

Possible CPD*: Practice Management, Risk Management

7.4 Sector Sustainability

Raising funds – successes and challenges

Room 3

Facilitator: Robyn Ayres (CEO, Arts Law Centre)

Presenter: Joanna Schulman (CEO, Redfern Legal Centre), Vicki Harding (CEO, Inner City Legal Centre), and Shauna Wolifson (Fundraising Manager, RACS)

Panel members will share their experience in raising funds to supplement revenue and sustain vital legal services.

Possible CPD*: Professional Skills

8.1 Closing Plenary – Sector-wide Forum

Outside the box – understanding the wider community legal service sector

Room 3


Kat Ironside (Chair, Community Legal Centres NSW)


Dr Mindy Sotiri (Program Director, Community Restorative Centre)
Rebecca Chapman (Managing Lawyer, International Social Service, Australia)
Savi Manni,(Head of Pro Bono Partnerships, Justice Connect)
Elizabeth Behrend (CEO, Thiyama-li Family Violence Indigenous Corporation)

Presentations from community legal centres that are new, multi state or have atypical models with an opportunity for Q&A.


Day 4 | Thursday, 12 September 2019

Legal Training Day

Individual and panel presentations on legal topics including human rights, migrant worker rights, risk management, Legal Aid NSW Conflict of Interest policy and Wills and Estates. Open to NSW members only – please ensure your details include which centre you are associated with.

To see the full program, click here.

Gilbert + Tobin
Level 35, Tower Two, International Towers Sydney
200 Barangaroo Avenue
Barangaroo NSW 2000


Additional information

Community Legal Centres NSW indicates whether a session may be appropriate to attract Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points but takes no responsibility if the content does not meet CPD requirements. Sessions are not accredited by the NSW Law Society. Community legal centre solicitors should make their own assessment of whether the session meets their CPD requirements, and maintain their own records for meeting CPD requirements.

Further information about CPD requirements are available on the Law Society NSW website.



  • Experience and/or interest in the area of the network 
  • Commitment and availability to attend and lead network session at each Quarterly
  • Willingness to be a point of contact between CLCNSW and the network 
  • Assisting CLCNSW to maintain email groups of people interested in work of the network 


Preparation for Quarterlies 

  • If appropriate, arrange speakers - notify CLCNSW one month in advance to enable inclusion in the program
  • Advise CLCNSW of any technology or other requirements for the network meeting at least one week prior to the date of Quarterly

Facilitate network meeting 

  • Prepare and distribute agenda 
  • Facilitate network meeting - welcome participants, introduce guests, review any action items from previous meeting, keep agenda items to time, facilitate discussion and any decision making within time frame 

Meeting Administration 

  • Ensure meeting minutes are kept
  • Ensure participants sign in (registration forms provided) at each meeting 
  • Distribute and collect evaluation forms - return to room folder at the end of the session 

Reporting and Accountability 

  • Ensure an oral summary report of the network meeting is given at the end of each Quarterly at the Sector wide meeting
  • Emailing copies of the minutes to the Network members
  • Ensure meeting minutes are emailed to CLCNSW for record keeping
  • Welcome and introduce speaker.

  • Ensure remote participants are included throughout the session.

  • Liaise with volunteer / CLCNSW staff member at the session regarding technology. • Manage Q&A section of session.

  • Monitor time, keeping the session to time limits.

  • Thank the speaker and close the session.

With thanks to guests, event sponsors and pro bono presentations from: Legal Aid NSW, NCOSS, ASU, NSW Industrial Relations, FACS, Dressed for Success. Thanks also to all community legal centre speakers for sharing their practice, expertise and knowledge.

We acknowledge that the land upon which these meetings are taking place is land of the Gadigal people of the Eora nation and pay our respects to elders past, present and emerging.