Law Access NSW
LawAccess NSW is the best place to start to resolve a legal problem in NSW. It is a free government telephone service that provides legal information, advice and referrals for people who have a legal problem in NSW.
LawAccess NSW can refer you to the community legal centre that's most appropriate for your legal issue.
Phone: 1300 888 529
Hours: 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Community legal centres
Use our Find Free Legal Help website to find a community legal centre in NSW that may be able to help you with a legal problem.
Community legal centres are independent non-government organisations that provide free legal help to people and communities in need.
There are forty two community legal centres in NSW. Community legal centres can help with a range of problems including family law, domestic violence, debt, fines, tenancy, discrimination, credit, insurance, Centrelink, and more.
Aboriginal Legal Service ACT/NSW
Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT) Limited (ALS) is a community-controlled organisation responsible for providing legal assistance to Aboriginal people in NSW and the ACT. The ALS provides legal advice, referral and casework assistance in the fields of criminal and family law (including care and protection), and in some cases civil law.
Crime phone: 1800 765 767
Care phone: 1800 733 233
Legal Aid NSW
Legal Aid NSW is a NSW government legal service dealing with family law, criminal legal matters, and some civil law matters. They provide free legal advice as well as court representation, and grants of legal aid to pay for a Legal Aid lawyer or a private solicitor. Whether someone can get legal aid depends on the type of legal problem the person has and their income. Staff at LawAccess NSW can help people work out whether legal aid may be available and assist to fill out the Legal Aid NSW application form over the telephone.
Call LawAccess NSW on 1300 888 529.
Legal Aid Hotline for Under 18s provides legal advice and information to young people under 18, and operates 9am to midnight weekdays, with a 24-hour service from Friday 9am to Sunday midnight and also on public holidays.
Phone: 1800 101 810
Hours: 9am to midnight on weekdays, 24 hours on Friday to Sunday and public holidays.
Other support

Ask your legal question online using Justice Connect Answers. This online platform connects people with real lawyers who can answer simple legal questions — for free and online.
Apply for free legal help using Justice Connect’s online tool. This tool helps people understand whether they are eligible for Justice Connect services and connect with free legal help and pro bono lawyers.
Access the Bar Association’s Legal Assistance Referral Scheme. This scheme matches eligible requests for legal assistance with a barrister or mediator who may provide advice, appear for you or assist you to settle your legal issue.
Contact the Law Society of NSW Solicitor Referral Service for help finding a private law firm. Please note that this referral service is NOT for free legal help – you will be sent the contact detail of private law firms. Most of the time, private law firms or solicitors charge money for their services.
View the Australian Pro Bono Centre’s guide for finding legal help in New South Wales. This includes free legal services, as well as options for contacting private law firms.
There’s a wide range of websites, apps and phone services that offer free legal information that you can use without — or before — seeing a lawyer. These can be helpful if you’d like to research your options, or to understand a common legal issue.
Explore the self-help resources developed by Justice Connect.
This is a database of free factsheets that help you understand and resolve your legal problem. Legal problems covered include tenancy, employment, advanced care planning, COVID-19 related issues, money issues, natural disasters, bankruptcy, discrimination, building disputes, and LGBTQI+ resources. -
Browse the Find Legal Answers database.
Find Legal Answers is a service provided by the State Library of New South Wales for the NSW community. Free legal information is available through links to fact sheets, online books, legislation, and publications. -
Explore the LawAccess NSW online.
This website contains practical guides and resources on various aspects of law, including debts and small claims, car accidents, AVOs, fines, fences, employment rights, recovery of goods, driving offences, and crime. -
Visit the Australian Pro Bono Centre website.
This website has links to a range of factsheets and resources that you may find helpful.
Trying to resolve legal issues can be stressful, exhausting, and scary. If you are struggling, help is available.
- Try AskIzzy, an application with legal and non-legal support services available near you. This includes help with housing, food, domestic violence, Centrelink, health, money, drug and alcohol support, community facilities, and more.
- Domestic Violence Line provides state-wide telephone counselling, information and referrals for people who are experiencing or have experienced domestic violence. Trained female caseworkers are aware of the special needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and women from other cultures, as well as those living in rural and remote areas. They make referrals to women’s refuges.
Phone: 1800 656 463
Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Gambling Help NSW is a telephone, face to face and online service to assist those who have gambling problems as well as their families and communities.
Phone: 1800 858 858
Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Headspace provides free or low cost early intervention mental health services to young people aged 12-25, along with assistance in promoting young people’s wellbeing. Headspace also offers an online and telephone service called ‘eheadspace’.
Phone: (03) 9027 0100 (national)
Hours (eheadspace): 9am to 1am, 7 days a week.
- Homeless Persons Service is a telephone information and referral service for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. It provides referrals to accommodation and support services in NSW.
Phone: 1800 234 566
Hours: 8:30am to 10pm, Monday to Friday; 9am to 4pm Saturday; 10am to 4pm Sunday.
- Kids Helpline is a free telephone counselling service for children and teenagers.
Phone: 1800 551 800
Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Lifeline provides services in suicide prevention, crisis support and mental health support.
Phone: 13 11 14
Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Mensline is a free telephone online and video professional counselling service for men who are experiencing family and relationships concerns and need support.
Phone: 1300 789 978
Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- NSW Health – Crisis Mental Health Teams directs anyone with a severe mental health issue to the right care for them.
Phone: 1800 011 511
Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Parentline offers confidential phone counselling which aims to support parents and carers of children aged 0-18 in NSW.
Phone: 1300 301 300
Hours: 8am to 10pm, 7 days a week.