These resources are for general information purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for legal advice. If you need to speak to a lawyer, find free legal help »
Drugs and alcohol
Healthcare for trans and gender diverse people
Resources for people living with HIV/AIDS
Your rights at the doctor

Police Powers and Drug Searches
Information about what to do if you are stopped and searched by police and knowing your rights and what police can and cannot do.
Drugs in NSW – myths and realities
Common myths and realities on drug use and possession law in NSW.
Information on the penalties for common illicit drugs for teens.
Find out where and when you can drink, and who can buy alcohol.
Find out about the laws surrounding buying cigarettes and smoking.
Drug Detection Dogs
Information about NSW Police Drug Detection Dog Standard Operating Procedures.
Strip searches and your rights
Frequently asked questions about strip searches and your rights.
Quick tips - strip searches
Strip search law in NSW and what you are required to do if police ask you to undergo a strip search.
Mobile Drug Testing (MDT)
Your rights and responsibilities if the police stop you while driving and ask you to undergo a mobile drug test.

Healthcare for trans and gender diverse people
Transgender Children and Medical Treatment: The Law
This factsheet sets out the law about when and how transgender children under the age of 18 can access hormonal and medical treatment to help them to transition to their affirmed gender.

Guides to HIV and the law
Information for people living with HIV in NSW, including when you are legally required to disclose your HIV status.
Positive migration guide
Immigration for people living with HIV, their family members, and others.

Your rights at the doctor
Your rights at the doctor
How to seek medical care without your parents, and your rights when seeing doctors and medical professionals.
My Health Record
Fact sheet discussing risks and tips surrounding your health record for transgender and gender diverse individuals.
My Health Record― Webinar
Explore privacy and cyber security risks associated with the My Health Record system may be concerning for many people, including transgender and gender diverse individuals.
Getting medical support after sexual violence
If you think you have experienced sexual violence, you could consider getting medical help. Get important information on seeking medical support here.