These resources are for general information purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for legal advice. If you need to speak to a lawyer, find free legal help »
Centrelink and social security
Financial hardship (loans, debt, bankruptcy)
Loans and debt
Domestic violence
Motor vehicle accidents

These factsheets will assist you to resolve some problems with Centrelink yourself. If you have a different problem or the factsheet does not answer your questions.
Information on Centrelink payments, including ABSTUDY, Youth Allowance, and JobSeeker.
Appealing Centrelink decisions
If you are unhappy with a decision made by Centrelink, you can have the decision reviewed.

Financial hardship
Getting a loan
- National Credit Act
- Credit Repair Companies
- Credit Reports
- Easy Cash Loans
- Buy Now Pay Later
- Consumer Leases
Problems with your loan
- Getting your Loan Documents
- Responsible Lending
- Family Breakdown and Debt
- Repossession
- Financial Complaints to AFCA
Financial Counselling
- Debt Negotiation or Personal Budgeting companies
- Accessing your Superannuation early
- Phone Debt
- Electricity and Gas Debt
- Scams
- NSW Road Toll Debts
Debt collection
NSW Local Court
Debt collection
NSW Local Court

Fined Out: A practical guide to the NSW fines system
How to deal with fines, and contact information for services that can help people with their fines.

If you need advice about a car insurance claim or issue head to the Motor Vehicle Accident Problem Solver.
Car Insurance
- Car Accident when Uninsured
- Car Insurance Claim
- Car Insurance Claim Refused
- Written-Off Vehicles
- Buying Car Insurance
- Rental Cars and Insurance
- Courtesy Cars after an accident
Home and Contents Insurance
- Home or Contents Insurance Claims
- Home or Contents Insurance Claim Refused
- Tree damage in a Storm
- High Insurance Premiums or Cover Refused
Natural Disasters
- Bushfire Insurance
- Flood Insurance
- Storm Insurance
- Earthquake Insurance
- Flood Premiums
- Insurance Claims Management Services
- Extreme Weather Insurance Checklist
Other Types of Insurance
Problems with Your Insurance

Loans and debt
Dealing with debt: a legal guide to personal debt in NSW
If your debts are piling up, you are being hounded about repayments, or court action is being taken against you, this clear, easy-to-read guide is essential reading.
What to do before you borrow money, how to resolve issues with your loan, and what to do if you’re in debt.
Getting a loan
- There are black marks on my Credit Report – Should I hire a Credit Repair Company?
- Pay Day Lending
- Your Credit Report
- Does the National Credit Act apply?
- Buy now, pay later services (including Afterpay, Humm, Zip, Klarna, Openpay)
- Consumer Leases
Problems with your loan
- Repossession (Car And Goods)
- Family Breakdown And Debt
- Dispute Resolution (Financial)
- How do I get copies of my loan documents?
Debt collection
Dealing with debt
The laws on debt, what a debt collector is, and what they are allowed to do.
'Home, Belongings and Debt' on Willow website (Women's Legal on the Go)

Domestic violence
Untangling financial abuse for women escaping DV
This factsheet defines financial abuse and how to address it.

Motor vehicle accidents
Motor vehicle accident problem solver
An interactive tool that helps you to solve problems related to car and motor vehicle accidents.
Motor vehicle accident fact sheets
Information related to car accidents, insurance, and claims.