These resources are for general information purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for legal advice. If you need to speak to a lawyer, find free legal help »
Child protection and removals
Divorce and separations
Domestic or family violence
Family law (general)
International adoptions or abductions
Parenting and children

Leaving out-of-home care
Know your rights when you leave out-of-home care.
Birth alerts, child removals and your unborn child
How to keep your new baby safe with you if there is a notification to the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) about your unborn child.
HELP! FaCS has removed my children
The booklet explains the actions Family and Community Services (FaCS) can take at the early stages of contact with you and your family.
'Kids' on the Willow website (Women's Legal on the Go)

Divorce and separations
Information if you are ending a marriage, including the legal process and procedures, marriage certificates, and life after the divorce.
Information about property division when your marriage or de facto relationship ends.
'Separation' on the Willow website (Women's Legal on the Go)
10 steps to follow when you separate
Practical steps that may help to make separation smoother.
The court process
Information on the court process following a separation.
Spousal maintenance
Understand when you can obtain financial assistance from your spouse or partner after you separate.
Property settlement
Understand how property is divided if you are separating from a partner or spouse.
Divorce, separation and who you live with
Information if you are young person whose parents are getting divorced or separated.

Domestic and family violence
Protection against violence and harassment
Understand domestic violence, Apprehended Domestic Violence Orders, and family law.
A Practitioner’s Guide to Domestic Violence Law in NSW
A plain-English guide to domestic violence law in New South Wales.
'Domestic and family abuse' on the Willow website (Women's Legal on the Go)
What is family violence?
Information on conduct that falls within the definition of family violence in family law and what you need to tell the court if you have experienced family violence.
Domestic violence and AVOs – for Aboriginal women
What is domestic violence, what is an Apprehended Domestic Violence Order (ADVO), and how to get one.
Domestic and Family Violence in LGBTIQ Relationships
Information if you are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, intersex and/or queer and are experiencing or have experienced domestic or family violence:
- Family Law Issues
- Going To Court
- Help Through Centrelink
- How Do I Get An ADVO?
- Victims Support Services
- What About My Immigration Status?
- What If DV Affects My Employment?
- What If We Were Renting Together?
Domestic violence and Centrelink
How domestic violence may impact your existing Centrelink payments and the one-off payments you can receive if you are experiencing or at risk of family or domestic violence.

Family law (general)
Women and Family Law
A plain-English guide to family law in New South Wales covering a range of topics such as divorce, children, property settlements and AVOs.
Family law
The family law system, and how to keep kids happy, safe and connected with their family.

International adoptions and abductions
International adoption factsheets
Information if you have experience of adoption across international borders, including children, families, and prospective adoptive parents.
International parental abduction factsheets
Information regarding international parental child abduction and access.
International family tracing and reunification
Information on family tracing and reunification if you are an Australian resident who wishes to locate a family member believed to be overseas.

Parenting and children
Children and Parenting Factsheet
Information on what the court considers when determining a parenting dispute.
Child support
Understand the law relating to child support, the definition and what processes are involved.
Children and parenting
The options for the care and living arrangements of your children following a separation.
Child support & spousal maintenance
Understanding child support, spousal maintenance and Centrelink family assistance payments.
'Kids' on the Willow website (Women's Legal on the Go)