Work or volunteer with us


Work at CLCNSW or a community legal centre

Passionate about making a difference? There are 41 community legal centres across New South Wales, and CLCNSW also advertises from time to time. Explore current opportunities on our Jobs Board.


Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us. We are only able to take on a limited number of volunteers. We want to make sure that our volunteers are properly supervised and have interesting, challenging work.

Community Legal Centres NSW regularly takes on students on placement as part of a unit for their undergraduate degrees.

We take law student volunteers and social work placement students through established programs with universities and organisations, and these programs will be advertised through the relevant organisation. Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to take on high school work experience placements.

The vast majority of community legal centres in NSW also work with volunteers, and over 90% of community legal centre volunteers provide client-facing services.

Law students have always been an integral part of the community legal centre sector, but increasingly community legal centres are also engaging students studying social work, community development, communications, IT, and business to carry out a variety of volunteer work.

Volunteer roles vary in each centre, but common tasks are:

  • taking instructions from clients (under supervision of solicitors);
  • answering phones, making referrals, making appointment bookings, organising interpreters;
  • conducting research;
  • drafting correspondence; and
  • working on community legal education and law reform projects.

Several community legal centres also have evening legal advice sessions with advice provided by volunteer solicitors.

To get in touch about volunteering or carrying out a university placement at Community Legal Centres NSW, contact your university. Community Legal Centres NSW does not take volunteers outside of university internship programs.

This website provides a list of current volunteer and employment opportunities across the broader NSW legal assistance sector. Alternatively, you can look at the listing of community legal centres in NSW here, and get in touch directly with a centre that you would particularly like to volunteer with.