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Discrimination and LGBTIQ+ Communities
A video that explores LGBTIQ+ communities and discrimination, how to make a formal complaint, and applications at the Fair Work Commission.
Documents & administration
Becoming a Silent Elector in NSW
Under Australian law, a person may have their address removed from the Electoral Roll if they believe that listing it would risk their personal safety or the safety of their family members.
Changing Sex Listed on Identification Documents (NSW)
The requirements for altering the sex listed on NSW birth certificates, documents issued by the NSW Roads and Maritime Services, and Australian passports, specifically for trans and gender diverse people.
Changing Sex Listed on Identification Documents (Australia-wide)
The requirements for changing your sex or gender identity on official documents differ slightly in each state of Australia.
Domestic violence & AVOs
Domestic and family violence in LGBTIQ relationships
Information for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, intersex and queer people who are experiencing or have experienced domestic or family violence.
Healthcare for trans and gender diverse people
Transgender Children and Medical Treatment: The Law
This factsheet sets out the law about when and how transgender children under the age of 18 can access hormonal and medical treatment to help them to transition to their affirmed gender.
My Health Record
Fact sheet discussing risks and tips surrounding your health record for transgender and gender diverse individuals.
My Health Record― Webinar
Explore privacy and cyber security risks associated with the My Health Record system may be concerning for many people, including transgender and gender diverse individuals.
Historical offences
Extinguishment of Historical Homosexual Offences
Extinguishment is when a conviction on a criminal record is deleted – as though it never existed.
Wills & estates
Wills and estate planning
A fact sheet describing the concepts of wills and probates and how these can affect the LGBTQI+ community.
What is a power of attorney
What appointing a legal authority to look after your financial affairs on your behalf would include and what you should consider before appointing them.